Gemeindetourismus: Sampaya, Titicaca See (2 Tage, ab La Paz)
- La Paz
- Sehenswürdigkeiten
- Touren & Reisebausteine
- Gemeindetourismus
In the pre-Hispanic times, the highlands and the area of Lake Titikaka were divided into Aymara tribes, thus resulting in towns such as Lupacas, Collas, Omasuyos, Pacajes, among others. The Aymara communities were formed mainly around Lake Titikaka, a lake considered sacred within their religious beliefs.
In the midst of all this magical landscape we find Sampaya, a town that is living testimony to a culture that has its roots in ancient times and co-exists with a world where wisdom and cultural richness get merge. A peculiarity of the village is the architecture that maintains their buildings made in stone. Sampaya is a historic landmark, located on the peninsula of Copacabana, where you will be able to breathe a vibrant culture that goes beyond time.
Sampaya offers visitors a unique experience of interaction with the Aymara culture. The inhabitants of the site will share with you their customs, their daily life and traditions.
Thematic Circuits
Mistical circuit “Mallku Pukara”
Visitors can join in a mystical journey of 4 hours, called "Mallku Pukara", where will appreciate ceremonies, rites and legends of our culture. They will feel the energy of the Sacred Lake and be part of the legacy and life of the community.
A very important part of life in this town is religiosity, and it represents the most sacred in the balance and order in the community. Throughout the time the population of this regions have learned to live in peace and harmony with their surroundings. They have inherited the skill to observe and keep alive the ancestral traditions and ceremonies, wich are part of their mystical and spiritual practices. They represent connections with their deities, ancestors and nature.
The people have learned from their parents and they from their grandparents and the grandparents of their ancestors, now this knowledge is present and alive in this village.
Country circuit “Vida Aymara”
The tour called "VIDA AYMARA" (Aymara Life) consists of a three-hour walk through the main paths of our community, where the visitor together with a local guide, will be able to appreciate the customs, traditions, architecture and daily life of the Aymara people .
We invite you to be part of this great experience in which you will experience the legacy the people have received as Aymara sons and daughters of Sampaya.
First day:
07:30 Private transport from La Paz - Copacabana - Sampaya
12:00 Welcome. Register at the Albergue “Ikiña uta”
12:30 Lunch and time to relax in the restaurant “Manq’aña uta”
5:00 Guided walk along the circuit “Mallku Pukara”
19:00 Dinner in the restaurant ““Manq’aña uta”
20:00 Night at the fire place “Aruma Nina” (Story telling of aymara legends) or Fiesta Andina
22:00 Overnight at the Albergue
Secund day:
07:30 Breakfast in the restaurant “Manq’aña uta”
09:00 Visit of the Cultural Centre of the Aymara “Umajaliri”
10:00 Guided walk along the circuit “Vida Aymara”
12:00 Check out
12:30 Lunch in the restaurant “Manq’aña uta”
15:00 Goodbye and return to Copacabana and La Paz
- The guided circuits include a beverage, fruit and chocolate
- The realization of a rite has a additional cost
- The night at the fire place includes a hot beverage
- Check in-Check out at 12:30
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