La Chonta, Community Tourism, Amboro N.P., Bolivia
- Santa Cruz
- Unterkunft
- Gemeindetourismus
- Amboró NP. (Norden)
- Budget (Under 30 USD for Dbl. Room)
Run by the Chonta Carbones community located just 34km from Buenavista, you will reach this community eco tourism project after crossing the Surutu River. Here there is an eco lodge and camping ground which also acts as the park ranger’s office.
All meals are included as are expert local guides. They will take you on a 3 hour intepretive trail where you will learn about the native flora and fauna of Amboró National Park. Here in this tropical rainforest you will encounter an ancient forest of giant ferns, rare orchids and medicinal plants.
Another 3 hour hike that is part of the intinerary takes you through the forest to the river Saguayo where you will complete the beautiful journey with a refreshing swim.
You will also have the option of undertaking a workshop on beekeeping and honey making as well as going horseriding with a guide along one of the many eco trails.
Cabins, fully equipped camping grounds, communal bathrooms, full board, local guide, horse riding, interpretative trails for the observation of native flora and fauna, guided hikes, bathing in the river Saguayo, lessons on beekeeping and honey making.

Berghotel Carolina
Berghotel am Fuße des Pico Tunari (5035m) - Cochabamba

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