Trekking: Maragua Krater (2-3 Tage, ab Sucre)

This challenging trek allows you to enjoy magnificent views along pre-Hispanic trails, explore the spectacular crater of Maragua and then onto the amazing dinosaur footprints.


First day

We start day one by riding a micro to the outskirts of Sucre and then a camion to Chataquila, where we visit a lovely stone chapel dedicated to the Virgin and enjoy the view back towards Sucre. We begin trekking just after midday down the famous pre-Hispanic route known as The Inca Trail.

We eat lunch at a mirador with views above the unique, naturally formed crater of Maragua. After lunch, we continue down the trail past the aqueduct which supplies Sucre’s water and then follow the Ravelo River past magnificent rock formations to Socobamba and the suspension bridge. After crossing the river, we head up past waterfalls and spectacular rock strata.

At the top, we look back at the western face of the Cordillera and then on to the amazing Crater de Maragua, one of the most impressive and beautiful landscapes in all of Bolivia. Here, we have the option of camping or staying in houses of the local community.

Second day

We arise at dawn and eat breakfast before heading west to rise up out of the crater and enjoy magnificent views back over the entire crater. Behind the crater, we pass picturesque valleys on the way to the incredible dinosaur footprint site Ninu Mayu where we also have lunch.

After lunch, we follow another large valley past farmhouses and small villages to our campsite for the night high above the Pilcomayo River with magnificent views along the valley.

Third day

In the morning we follow breakfast with a short hike to Purunkilla where we have time to interact with the curious local children before we catch another local bus or camion back over the Cordillera de Los Frailes and past Cerro Obispo to Sucre.


A good physical fitness is required.

Included in the package:

- Public ransport from Sucre
- Overnight stay in tents
- Professional hiking guide (Spanish speaking)
- Optional: Tour guide English/German speaking (On request)
- Meals during the tour
- Equipment


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