Refugio Los Volcanes, Amboro National Park, Bolivia

The Amboro National Park is a regions with one of the biggest biodiversities of our planet and, with it, a wonderful tourist destination near the city of Santa Cruz. The small Refugio Volcanes is amid spectacular formations of sand stone, surrounded by cloudy forests - a true natural paradise, so far from the noisy modern civilization that you will easily forget about the rest of the world. In combination with the idyllic town of Samaipata, its pre-Inca ruins El Fuerte with Southamerica's biggest carved rock of sand stone, this tour package constitutes a perfect alternative for a trip in the surroundings of the growing and bustling city of Santa Cruz in the Bolivian east.

For information about tours to the Amboro National Park and the Refugio Los Volcanes, please click here.

Amboró National Park, Bermejo, Bolivia
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