Cabañas de Traudi, Samaipata, Bolivia

Traudi's Cabins are nestled in the foothills of the Andes in the lush surrounds of Samaipata. They offer rooms and cabins situated around a peaceful garden and a lovely outdoor pool.

The cabins are ideal for families and invariably come with a private bathroom, living room, kitchen and fireplace. There are also basic rooms with shared bathroom for budget backpackers and they accept group reservations for seminars, retreats and student excursions.

There are walking trails near the property and the grounds include a small conference room for 25-35 people and a dining room for guests. Ceramic and painting workshops, horseriding, a ping pong table and a grass volleyball / tennis court are available for guests and a sauna is planned to open shortly. The swimming pool is also open to non-guests.

As the hostel owner is also a doctor, emergency medical attention is available.


Swimming pool, guest dining room, small conference room, ceramic and painting workshops, horseriding, ping pong table, grass volleyball / tennis court, medical attention (emergencies)

Samaipata, Bolivia
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