Cinco Hotel, Santa Cruz, Bolivia

CINCO hotel Boutique is born as family project to offer its guests an accommodation standard with the highest possible comfort. Based on Feng Shui, each room arranged according to its orientation with the five elements of nature. Thats why you can feel in Hotel Cinco a very harmonious energy that helps our guests to find a very pleasant rest. It starts with your accommodation in the Master Suite, called the Suite of Fire: Spacious comfort, living room, extraordinary Jacuzzi for two, dinner served by our chef, and after awakening breakfast in the room. Apart from 5 suites and 5 apartments fully equipped, the hotel counts with two swimming pools, a room for alternative therapies offering relaxing and therapeutic massages, as well as Pranic art of healing. These features make CINCO a real hotel boutique that offers a cozy atmosphere, merging comforts and service, and creating a unique style.

Barrio Sirari, Calle Los Claveles N° 520, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
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