Las Piedras del Paquio Cabins, Jesuit Missions Circuit, Bolivia
- Santa Cruz
- Unterkunft
- Bungalows & Camping
- San Javier
- Budget (Under 30 USD for Dbl. Room)
Las Piedras del Paquio is a group of five houses available for rent in the beautiful green countryside near the Jesuit Mission of San Javier.
Each house has its own private bathroom/s, kitchen and living room as well as pretty views of the nearby rolling green hills, unusual giant boulders, lush forest and gently grazing water buffalo.
There is also an on-site restaurant which is handy as Las Piedras del Paquio is located about 20km outside of the main township.
Based in one section of a cattle property, there are ample green spaces for guests to relax or occupy themselves with more active pursuits such as hiking and horseriding. The property even has its own lake.
Five houses for rent, private bathrooms, kitchen, living room, on-site restaurant and horseriding.

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